Thursday, May 7, 2020

CasperNyovest Shows His new Skills Of Playing Football

Critically-acclaimed rapper, Cassper Nyovest, has shown another hidden talent – his soccer skills, which friends compare to Cristiano Ronaldo. Dubbed Christiano Nyovero, the amateur soccer player claimed to be missing the recreational sport amidst the nationwide lockdown, which has caused him to take a break from the sport.

The rapper first shared a tweet which stated, “Linda Njovu, one of my teammates randomly sent me videos of me on the soccer pitch. The quality of those videos is bad but they make me look like a such a superstar player and now I miss soccer so much. That sh*t was such a great stress reliever for me. Coro mara o byang mara?”.

Thereafter he shared a video of himself on the in-door field, where he claimed he was being “extra”. Cassper stated that he enjoyed the sport and would like the game to be entertaining, rather than serious, which is why he took on the role as the clown amongst his teammates.

AMAZING TRUTH: This is the reason Why Mzansi Girls Cheat

Revealed: Here is why Mzansi  women cheat. The beginning of the year has always been a rough time for the institution of marriage. Even Ashley Madison, a dating site for people looking to start extramarital affairs, reports that January and February are the site’s biggest months for new signups.

Though men bear the brunt of most cheating accusations, the truth is that the number of women who have reported being unfaithful in Mzansi  has increased. It is high time society understands the reasons why women cheat.

Unsurprisingly, the previous month alone, News24 published a number of adultery cases in which Mzansi  married women have been fingered – the latest being an unrepentant adulterous wife who was caught red-handed by her husband dishing the forbidden fruit in a shack after she had allegedly infected him with an STI. And yet in another case, the now-famous Mai-Prince was caught red-handed bedding her neighbour’s husband in a local motel.

But what is it that drives women into someone else’s arms, and what can men do to prevent it? The answer is as complicated as one might imagine because there’s no one specific reason for infidelity. However, News24 has compiled some of the reasons given by Mzansi  women to justify why they cheat.

Here Is Why Mzansi  Women Cheat:

1. It is in their Genes!
The notion of the cheating wife is something that tends to be swept under the rug mostly because it goes against everything that we as a culture have been conditioned to think about women. But the truth is, women are just as guilty of cheating as men. However, unlike their male counterparts – they’re just so good at maintaining a double-life that often times it’s almost impossible to tell an adulterous wife and a faithful one apart.

2. Economic reasons
Unemployment, Poverty, Hunger, and Stavation:
Mzansi  is currently facing economic challenges. While both men and women are affected by these, women usually try by all means to sustain families. Finding an alternative for the survival of the family tends to pressure women to find other partners who can easily provide.

3. Men who don’t bath, and/or clean themselves push away women.
Mzansi  men are on the record for being the most smelly people worldwide. Usually, men spend most of their time working and getting dirty. Leaving no time for them to take care of themselves. These are some of the extreme push factors that force women to find extramarital affairs with men who know the use of cologne and toothbrush.

4.Lack of good s3x
When women don’t get enough sex at home, or it’s not enjoyable to them, for whatever reason, they may well seek it elsewhere. Women are outsourcing s3xual pleasure in their relationships in an effort to remain in their primary partnerships. They believe that if they continue to go without their sexual needs being met, they would have to break up their families and break their partner’s heart. After years and sometimes decades of trying to improve things in their marriages, they decide to look elsewhere.

5. S3xual addiction
Certainly, s3x addiction in one partner increases the chance that they will be unsatisfied with the physical aspect of their marriage and look elsewhere.

6. Previous cheating
The saying “once a cheater, always a cheater” is true. Women who have been involved in an extramarital sexual relationship before are three times more likely to become involved in extramarital relationships in their marriage or next relationship.

7. Searching for an Emotional Connection
Women tend to have an emotional connection with their lover, but once they’re unhappy with the relationship they are in, they’re more likely to have an affair because of loneliness.

Sometimes women feel underappreciated, neglected, or ignored. They feel more like a housekeeper, nanny, or financial provider than a wife or girlfriend. So they seek an external situation that validates them for who they are, rather than the services they perform.

8. Boredom
Women can experience loneliness in a relationship for any number of reasons. Maybe their spouse works long hours or travels for business on a regular basis, or maybe their spouse is emotionally unavailable. Whatever the cause, they feel lonely, and they seek connection through infidelity to fill the void

9. Revenge (Domestic or emotional abuse)
If one partner has had an affair or has damaged the partner in some way, the offended partner may feel a need for revenge resulting in an affair. Most often women cheat as retaliation on hubby’s earlier shenanigans. This can also extend to domestic abuse. When a woman is being abused, she can easily go outside the marriage to find comfort.

10. The Internet, hotography, Peer pressure, and Opportunity
While these are sometimes important in a relationship, they are dangerous to marriage and make it easier for someone to cheat. What people experience or see in society has powerful implications in their lives.

Infidelity destroys families, let alone the trauma, financial, emotional tolls it has to people. Rethinking reasons why women cheat helps open people’s minds to understand and work out what to do in case a wife cheats.

Miss SA new logo and plans announced

The Miss South Africa organisation plans to alter the meaning of beauty pageants as the brand undergoes a dramatic change under the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rebranding includes the launch of a new logo with the tagline: Face Your Power. Embrace Your Future.
Stephanie Weil, CEO of the Miss South Africa Organisation said “COVID–19 and the effects of lockdown have challenged the organisation in many ways, but we have used this time as a tool to think outside of the box and be as innovative as possible. We can confirm there will be a Miss SA 2020. We are excited about showcasing the new format and will make announcements on this very soon. We are fortunate that we started the online process in 2019 and intend to bring this to the forefront of what we are going to do this year.”
According to the organisation this is no different to applying for a job interview.
“Our contestants will not be just trained as pageant contestants, but also upskilled and shaped into champions for women’s rights, thought leaders, brand ambassadors and savvy career women with the tools to fulfil their chosen destiny. The pageant is the interview. The job starts when she wins. There is no other platform that elevates a young woman so quickly and with such an obvious trajectory to success,” said Weil.
2019 saw Miss South Africa, under its new management , change the criteria with its “most diverse” line-up of contestants in the history of the pageant, with the eventual winner, Zozibini Tunzi winning the title as well as the Miss Universe title.
Weil said the organisation aims to be a 365-day empowerment bootcamp and with the COVID-19 Lockdown they are equipping talented, driven young women to find both their purpose and their best selves through four pillars: empowerment, duty, championship and beauty.

Bring it on — Kubayi-Ngubane

Tourism Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane says she is ready for the second round in a legal battle with Solidarity and AfriForum over the criteria for funding for companies hit by the coronavirus in the sector.

This is after the department scored a major victory over the two lobby groups’ court application, arguing that broad-based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) policy should not be used in allocating funding to distressed companies.

The Pretoria High Court ruled this week that the response to the Covid-19 crisis must recognise the uneven playing eld between white and black companies created by the country’s historical imbalances and that it was not unlawful to use race in helping distressed companies.

“The North Gauteng High Court’s decision to dismiss the review application by AfriForum and Solidarity is most welcome and is in fact a vindication as the court found there is nothing racial or shameful in our inclusion of BBBEE in the criteria as the applicants sought to suggest,” Kubayi-Ngubane told Sunday World.

“We will defend our policies because we believe they are fair and just and aimed at creating a more socially and economically just society. So, if it means going to the constitutional court to defend our stance, we won’t hesitate to do so.”

The two organisations had argued that the virus was going to hit all companies, whether black or white-owned. Solidarity’s Dirk Hermann said the country needed legal certainty from the Constitutional Court on “whether, in a state of disaster, the constitution allows for discrimination based on race in order to qualify for relief”. Black Business Council (BBC) threw its weight behind KubayiNgubane.

“We are disappointed by media reports that the AfriForum and Solidarity intend approaching the Constitutional Court to challenge the judgment. In the event they pursue this course of action, the BBC intends to join proceedings as a friend of the court,” BBC CEO Kganki Matabane said in a statement on Friday.

Meanwhile, the DA has also led an urgent application in the Pretoria High Court to stop President Cyril Ramaphosa and Small Business Development Minister Khumbudzo Ntshavheni from using BBBEE in helping small businesses.

The official opposition party wants the matter to be heard on May 12.

In a founding affidavit, DA’s spokesperson on small business Zakhele Mbhele said it was impermissible for Ntshavheni to use BBBEE for funding of small businesses as Covid-19 was colour blind.

Proof Yokuthi uQuality Biyela Akanamali?

Abantu bahleze bezibuza umbuzo owodwa wokuthi Quality biyela withathaphi imali, Unayo ngampela yini imali?

Quality biyela insizwa edume kakhulu lapha emculweni ka Maskandi hhayi ngoba ingumculi kodwa ngenxa yobugcokama, umuntu owaziyo ukotini, Lwazi indwangu, nowazi Izindawo eziphezulu. Ujwayele uku posta ama video ama ninga ezinkundleni zokuxhumana a chaza abantu abaningi atrendayo.

Enye Yama video ake a trenda kakhulu Ile obekade eyenze nomculi we hip hop u Big Zulu ngesikhathi benza Instagram live video. Badidekile abantu abaningi banemibuzo ngesikhathi uquality evela engekho estezi lesi ajwayele ukuth uhlala kuso. Bekuvela sengathi usendlini ewu 1 room, uhleli nje embhedeni ongekho esimeni esihle. Kanti futhi kulendlu kunekwe ama underwear endlini ulele khona, kune fridge kuphinde kuphekwe khona.

Abanye abantu bagxeke uBig Zulu ukuthi yingani engayivalanva le video Uma ebona ukuthi kuvela izinto ezingekho zinhle, abanye bathi abayibonanga inkinga.

Maningi amahemezi asuswe iyona le video abanye bese behamba beyomhleka ekhasini lakhe lika Facebook bemtshela ukuthi yingani ephila impilo eyi fake njengoba abanye becabanga ukuthi ngampela ukuthi uhlala kuyo lendlu.

Ube esenza Enye I video ku Facebook wakhe echaza kabanzi ukuthi lendawo ebekade ekuyo akusiyona indawo ahlala kuyona, bekuyi hostela futhi ubeyofuna into yokudla. Uphinde wachaza futhi Uma yena enza lam video etshengisa izinto azigqokile noma izinto azidlayo hhayi ngoba esuke efuna ukuchoma kubantu kodwa usuke efuna ukuba qhuqhumezela ukuthi Uma usuke usebenza ngampela uyagcina ufikile lapha akhona.
Kanti ke Uma ukhumbula kahle phambilini useke waphumela obala echaza khona ukuthi useke wahlala hostala kodwa ethe ese thola imali ethe xaxa wabe esephuma eyo rent ezindaweni eziphezulu.

Isibaya Actor Ntwenhle Asavela Mngqithi is Pregnant

Asavela Ntwenhle Mngqithi is one of South Africa’s most watched rising stars. The actress was thrust into the limelight when she bagged an acting role on Isibaya a couple of years ago and since then, she has positioned herself as one of Mzansi’s most loved stars.

The cat is finally out of the bag, motherhood is beckoning for popular actress Asavela, who has announced that she’s expecting a baby. The actress shared in style on, debuting her baby bump on Instagram.

“The best thing I’ve ever done , I can’t wait to meet you. Taking you to set was kinda scary but with all the risk assessments the team @bomb_productions put in place,I feel confident and happy to introduce you to the world. I’m going to call you umfihlo lol because of the level of secrecy that we share. Thank you @zwabheka for the continuous support you have given US😭❤️ To all the mothers( new + pregnant) out there stay safe , healthy and strong in these difficult times🙏🏽❤️”

The beautiful actress is expecting her first child and she is beaming with pride already.


Ben was presented with flu like symptoms last week and after undergoing tests, his results have come back positive.

The player is asymptomatic and is currently in-home isolation for the next 14 days. He will need to test negative before he is cleared.

In accordance with relevant protocols, NHI has been notified of the case by the Club.

The health and wellbeing of our players, officials, and the wider community remains our highest priority in this difficult time.

The Club has also advised that the player must notify the doctors of all the people that he has been in contact with to ensure that they also get tested.

We urge everybody to continue practicing safe and healthy measures to contain and mitigate the spread of the infection.

Always wash your hands; wear masks in public and always remember to practice social distancing.

New About Zandie Khumalo

Zandie Khumalo Gumede is filing for a restraining order against her sister, Kelly Khumalo. This is after Kelly “ambushed” her during a recent TV interview. Zandie should just do the right thing & tell South Africans what they want to know.


Big LIVE concerts starting with Cassper Nyovest!

Last week JOOX announced the launch of the ‘#Gig2Earn’ initiative to support local musicians currently experiencing financial hardship through an inability to perform live. ‘#Gig2Earn’ invites them to stream directly to their fans via the JOOX live video streaming feature – and get paid to do so

JOOX now presents the ‘Big LIVE’ music-streaming concert series, as part of the same initiative, bringing big names in the music game to the JOOX app in aid of up-and-coming artists by creating awareness of the ‘#Gig2Earn’ initiative
Viewers watching at home who would like to contribute to ‘#Gig2Earn’ can do so by using the custom-made ‘tip jar’ in the JOOX app – just keep an eye out for it on the Discover page in-app this week.

This ‘tip jar’ works using BUSQR technology, so users can donate straight from the app using a live donation solution. All funds will be shared directly among the artists who performed in that given week. Tips over the Cassper Nyovest Big Live stream will also be donated to the #Gig2Earn artists.

Further, they’ve sent out a communication to their existing ‘#Gig2Earn’ artists encouraging them to register with myfanpark – an on-demand personalized video messaging service that allows fans to request a video message from their favorite musicians to be sent to family, friends or anyone. This is just another way JOOX is committed to improving the lives of local artists during this difficult time.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Welcome to SABC News Rsa App!

South African Flag: Colors, Meaning, Old Version & Apartheid Flag

Hello, Welcome everybody to our new Platform of bringing to you everyday news trending in South Africa and Africa at large.
